Шаблоны и темы [WP] Устал копаться в CSS? Встречай Визуальный Редактор CSS Yellow Pencil

Итак, что же это такое за чудо?
Yellow Pencil - это фронт-енд редактор, который поменяет CSS код на странице в пару кликов. Вам нужно только проинспектировать элемент и выбрать эффекты.
Версия конечно же отвязана от лицензии и полностью рабочая.

Что может Yellow Pencil:
  • В Yellow Pencil встроены абсолютно все веб-шрифты.
  • Кто умеет пользоваться Фотошопом, для того этот плагин - подарок.
  • Совместим с любой темой.
  • К любому элементу применим Drag&Drop.
  • Куча встроенных анимаций, как под текст так и под картинки.
  • Можно ресайзить любой элемент.
  • Применим к футеру/хедеру.
  • И куча других примочек.
Вот, пожалуйста, можете ознакомиться о том, как работать с плагином в данном видео.



Version 5.4.5 (20 August 2016)
# Improvements for Chrome.

Version 5.4.4 (18 August 2016)
# Added live animation manager
# Animations support in responsive now.
# A critical bug fixed.

Version 5.4.3 (3 August 2016)
# Critical improvements to core.
# Improvements to performance

Version 5.4.2 (26 July 2016)
# Fixed slow loading issue.
# Improvements to smart CSS Selector.

Version 5.4.1 (24 July 2016)
# Critical CSS selector bug fixed.

Version 5.4.0 (22 July 2016)
# Visual Resize Elements
# Improvements to CSS Selectors.
# Improvements to UI.
# Added Smart guides to Drag&Drop and Resize features.
# Added Design information; Information about selected element, typography and more.
# Improvements to CSS Editor.
# Improvements to border radius, font family, animations.
# Added: Animation manager! Animation manager will available on next update.
# and a ton minor improvements!

Version 5.3.5 (9 June 2016)
# New Feature: wireframe.
# Fixed minor bugs.

Version 5.3.4 (31 May 2016)
# New Smart artificial intelligence! (Generating CSS codes as human)
# Powerful performance updates!
# Improvements to core.
# Woocommerce saving bug fixed.

Version 5.3.3 (3 May 2016)
# Fixed save bug.
# Added export & import.

Version 5.3.2 (24 April 2016)
# Fixed an important bug for SSL.
# Two minor bug fixed.

Version 5.3.1 (23 April 2016)
# Fixed bug with localhost.
# minor bugs fixed.

Version 5.3.0 (19 April 2016)
# New: Resizable Responsive Mode
# New: Support any CSS media queries
# improvements to Background Patterns
# improvements to Custom Selector
# improvements to Ruler And CSS Editor

Version 5.2.9 (31 March 2016)
# Fixed selector bug.

Version 5.2.8 (16 March 2016)
# Fixed: aiming bug.

Version 5.2.7 (16 March 2016)
# Fixed: menu bug.
# Fixed: ruler bug.

Version 5.2.6 (15 March 2016)
# New: you can disable aiming mode.
# New: Single selector mode
# New: ruler and measuring tools
# New: Added "write CSS link"
# Fixed: a ton bug fixed.
# Improvements: Improvements on the interface.
# Shortcuts updated.

Version 5.2.5 (03 March 2016)
# NEW: Auto typing selector to CSS editor.
# NEW: Autocomplete for CSS editor.
# Improvements to selectors.

Version 5.2.3 (10 February 2016)
# Fixed SSL bug.

Version 5.2.2 (8 February 2016)
# New: showing padding with a line.
# New: Smart titles for elements.
# New: No limit for font-size, etc.
# New: Visiual select body tag.
# Improvements to plugin core.

Version 5.2.1 (13 January 2016)
# Animation bugs fixed.
# Improvements to SSL.
# Selector bugs fixed.

Version 5.2.0 (7 January 2016)
# Added: animation creator.
# Visual Improvements.
# Improvements to font family.
# "Box Shadow color" issue fixed.
# Core issues fixed.
# Background color issue fixed.
# "CSS Editor not show codes" bug fixed.
# "CSS data lose" bug fixed.

Version 5.1.2 (9 December 2015)
# Wordpress 4.4. update.
# Selector bug fixed.
# Custom selector bug fixed.

Version 5.1.1 (27 November 2015)
# Added Visibility Property
# Trash posts bug fixed
# Improvements to transformed elements.
# Improvements to dragger and resizer.
# Animations bug fixed.
# Improvements to CSS Editor

Version 5.1.0 (18 November 2015)
# Drag&Drop bug fixed.
# Live Element re-sizer Added!
# Improvements to selections
# Improvements to core.
# Improvements to color picker
# Improvements to small screens.

Version 5.0.1 (5 November 2015)
# A few small bug fixed.

Version 5.0.0 (5 November 2015)
# Improvements to picker
# Improvements to performance
# Improvements to undo/Redo
# Improvements to CSS Editor
# Improvements to automatic important system
# Improvements to slider
# Smarter And Easy
# Loading issue fixed.
# New color picker!

Version 4.7.0 (19 October 2015)
# All bugs fixed.
# Added custom Selector.
# Documentation updated.

Version 4.6.3 (15 October 2015)
# Added automatic updater
# Improvements to interface
# A lot of improvements to core
# Added helper notices.
# Fixed "select just it" bug.
# Fixed drag&drop bug.
# Fixed parent setting.

Version 4.6.2 (16 September 2015)
# Important Improvements.

Version 4.5.1 (4 September 2015)
# Fixed background image.

Version 4.5 (3 September 2015)
# Added table-cell for display.
# Added Drag & Drop Features.
# Added ESC Key Close Select tag.
# Added ESC Key Close colorpicker.
# Improvement for width, animations and display.
# Body class prefix fixed.
# background image Full size fixed.
# H Key problem fixed.
# Contextmenu close bug fixed.
# Improvement for CSS Engine.
# CSS Editor bug fixed.
# Chrome transform bug fixed.
# Ruler height bug fixed.
# Now up/down keys change "px","em" and "%".
# Slider value bug fixed.
# Improvement for position.
# Jquery bug fixed.

Version 4.4 (27 August 2015)
# Improvement for undo and redo.
# Added Background image uploader.
# Added Color picker.
# Improvement for Text shadow.
# Added CSS Source Controller page.
# Theme Part Feature Disabled.

Version 4.3.5 Stable (23 August 2015)
# New shortcut.
# Simple improvements.

Version 4.3 Stable (6 August 2015)
# Added Undo / Repo Feature
# Added Meterial Colors
# Improvement for core.
# New Shortcuts
# Bugs fixed.

Version 4.2 (3 August 2015)
# Fixed important bug.
# Improvement performance.
# Improvement for core.
# Added Fullscreen setting.
# Added Pixel Ruler.
# Fonts Updated.

Version 4.1 (2 August 2015)
# Bugs fixed.

Version 4.0 (1 August 2015)
# Added CSS Animation property.
# Added Parallax script.
# Added CSS editor.
# Added Automatic prefix.
# Added CSS Filter property.
# Added CSS Text Shadow property.
# Added Box Shadow property.
# Added Box Sizing property.
# Added Transform property.
# Added .PO and .MO files.
# Added Turkish Translation.
# Added Shortcut keys.
# Added descriptions to some options.
# SSL Bug Fixed.
# Bugs Fixes!

Version 3.2 (18 June 2015)
# Fixed Save Bug.

Version 3.1 (17 June 2015)
# Improvements to core.
# Added: Export CSS Code
# Fixed: Bugs.

Version 3.0 (06 June 2015)
# Improvements to core.
# Added: Responsive support.
# Added: Just Select a element.
# Fixed: bugs.

Version 2.2.3 (15 May 2015)
# Improvements to core.
# Added 300+ Background patterns
# Added Advanced colours.

Version 2.2.2 (14 May 2015)
# Improvements to some themes.

Version 2.2.1 (13 May 2015)
# Selector Improvements.

Version 2.2.0 (07 May 2015)
# Initial release

P.S. На данный момент выложена самая свежая версия 5.4.5 (20 Августа 2016). По мере обновления плагина буду добавлять новые версии.

Последнее редактирование модератором:
Рекламное сообщение

Последнее редактирование модератором:

Да, это версия для wordpress, есть еще и для drupal, но её у меня нету. На голый сайт скорее всего, можно посадить, но я такими знаниями не обладаю
А для MODX есть такой плагин?

Обратите внимание
